Ülo Pärnits Scholarship 2023 laureates have been announced
On May 12, Ülo Pärnits Scholarship laureates were announced for the sixth time. The aim of the Ülo Pärnits Scholarship, the creator of Ülemiste City, is to promote lifelong and practical learning and to support research related to the development of Ülemiste City as the city of the future.
University of Tartu master’s students Kadri Tillemanni, Angelina Lon, Laine Lindvest, Veiki Ojaperv and Reijo Väljek work “Ülemiste City Communication Activities Plan” and to “Support Employee Health” by Anastasia Rõbakova, Milena Podzigun and Marielin Kepi were awarded €2,500 scholarship.
Estonian Entrepreneurship University Of Applied Sciences master’s work “Designing a Quality Management System for Ülemiste City” by Veronika Laur and master’s student Kadri Loo’s work “The Ecological Footprint of Ülemiste Campus” were awarded €2,000 scholarship.

Estonian Academy of Arts student Alex Toodu’s work “Artistic Solution to the Staircase in Alma Tominga’s House” and TalTech master’s student Kadi Hõbenik’s work “The Role of Smart City Business Ecosystem Services in Supporting the Export of IT Companies using the Example of Ülemiste City” were awarded €1,500 scholarship.
Estonian Entrepreneurship University Of Applied Sciences student Jaanika Jaarman’s work “Experiences of Teachers from a Different Cultural Environment in a Multicultural Classroom” was awarded a €1,000 scholarship.

Mainor AS, Kristosten OÜ, Sentosa OÜ, Mainor Ülemiste AS and Technopolis Ülemiste AS sponsor the scholarship.