This tool is designed for you – leading the way in sustainability

The personalized information displayed on the platform helps companies to monitor and analyze the consumption of resources in an overview. It is a useful tool for those who are not only involved in a green transition for their company, but also in planning, monitoring and reporting actions on the use of resources. Green City service users are, for example, corporate sustainability leaders, financial managers, analysts and office managers.

Ülemiste City has established certain goals for the users to consider as a benchmark. The platform is not only a statistical and visualizing tool – we aim to offer a functional and at the same time inclusive solution to the companies of Ülemiste City in order to set the highest standards in sustainable development together.

Start tracking your company’s data

Veebikeskkonna sisu jaguneb kolmeks. Kõigile külastajatele on kättesaadav info linnaku koondandmetest, nagu:

  • hoonete energiatarbimisest tulenev CO2-jalajälg;
  • elektri- ja soojusenergia tarbimine;
  • veetarbimine;
  • liikuvuse koondandmed (inimeste ja sõidukite liikumine, parkimine);
  • jäätmete kogused koos nende liigiti kogumise osakaaludega.

Linnaku talentidel on võimalik veebikeskkonda sisse logides näha ja analüüsida koondvaadet sarnastest näitajatest konkreetselt oma ettevõtte kohta ning kuupõhise tasu eest saab analüüsida veelgi detailsemalt.

Start tracking your company’s data


Campus dataVisible to all

All visitors can access aggregated data about the campus, such as:

  • the CO2 footprint resulting from the energy consumption of buildings
  • electricity and heating energy consumption
  • water consumption
  • aggregated mobility data (number of people and distribution of means of transport, parking)
  • quantities of waste together with the proportions of their collection by type

Viewing campus data is free


Essential company dataVisible when logging in

With the account, Ülemiste City companies can view their company’s main data, including:

  • electricity consumption (kWh)
  • heating use (kWh)
  • water consumption (m3)
  • generated waste by subtype (kg)
  • use of district cooling* (kWh)

Creating an account is free


Company’s full planVisible to the service subscriber


As well as the essential data, companies who subscribe to the full plan will also see:

  • CO2 intensity (kg CO2/m2 a)
  • Water consumption per employee
  • CO2 emissions by type of consumption (kg CO2)
  • Energy intensity (kWh/m2 a)
  • Data analysis (possibility to compare data from different years on one graph) and export (. csv )
  • NEW! Company mobility data: emissions from employee commuting

Company’s full plan €25 per month
From January 2025 €35 per month

Tutvu oma
ettevõtte ja linnaku andmetega.

Ülemiste City values the green environment and environmental protection, making data available to everyone with a one platform

With the growth of environmental awareness and reporting requirements, we aim to bring accurate data to our talents to support the journey of as many as possible towards becoming environmentally friendly. For this purpose, we have created the Green City service where talents of Ülemiste City can get acquainted with aggregated campus data and the resources consumed by their rental space.

You can find the Green City terms and conditions here.