Hey, student!👋
Join us on a ROAD TRIP to Ülemiste City on November 9 at 13:00-17:30!
This year, we invite IT students to join us. We will introduce Ülemiste City as a possible future workplace and the companies on the campus.
Detailed program will be announced in the end of October, but we can confirm that these things will be waiting for you:
👉 IT oriented organisations/companies of Ülemiste City will introduce you their behind the scenes work;
👉 give you some tips what you should consider in the process of applying for companies;
👉 getting knowledge about the most popular talent city (16 000 people working here!) in the Baltics – Ülemiste City.
You get to meet with teams of ↓
Cariad Estonia
Fujitsu Estonia
Ericsson Eesti
Excellent Business Solution Eesti
Elmo Rent
❗️Registration in finished!
Can’t wait to see you soon! 👋