Hey, student!👋
Join us on a ROAD TRIP to Ülemiste City!
This year, we invite IT students to join us. We will introduce Ülemiste City as a possible future workplace and the companies on the campus.
👉On November 24, we will:
• See the natural work environments and specialists in the field
• Set information about possible thesis topics, internships, summer work, as well as jobs
• Get additional information about specific jobs or positions
🙌We’re excited to meet our hosts Eurora, Cleveron, Clevon, Nortal, Cariad Estonia, Helmes etc., to see what they are doing.
13.00 Welcome words
13.05–13.30 Introduction of Ülemiste City
Different groups:
13.45–14.15 Company I
14.30–15.00 Company II
15.15–15.45 Company III
16.00–16.30 Company III
16.40–17.00 Orientation summary
If you are an IT student, join us and explore the possible future and your career possibilities in IT.
👉Register here: https://forms.gle/tRgFjAaHAhnDgbQr5
Registration will be open till November 21 at 17.00!
See you!