
Emili School


Emili School is a general education private school based on the Estonian national curriculum. We use a learner-centred methodology and support the holistic development of the child.
It is essential for us to maintain the desire to learn and discover. In doing so, we pay attention to essential basic skills such as reading and mathematics. In addition to the traditional one, versatile digital skills and English are learned to a greater extent already in the first grade.
Emil’s school offers an education cycle up to the end of elementary school
Emili School uses general education-oriented subject teaching. The topics to be studied are linked each year through five new projects. The focus is on basic knowledge such as reading, mathematics and foreign languages. We don’t miss anything, but we connect the knowledge of different fields with each other and with life.
Each project begins with joint time planning and goal setting. Learners discuss what knowledge, skills and attitudes are needed for the successful implementation of the project. Then we think about what is already evident, and what still needs to be learned.
They work both individually and in groups. An important part is reflection, including analysing one’s learning activities.
Digital tools are a natural part of teaching. Each student has their own tablet for use at school. Teachers support digital competence development and help students learn to use technology in a healthy and creative way.
In order to balance everything new, we pay special attention to children’s reading abilities and interests at Emili School. Books are a natural part of an open learning environment.
Classic homework is not given at Emili School, learning takes place mainly at school. At the same time, we expect each child to read both books recommended by the school and books chosen by themselves at home with their parents and alone.
Evaluation and feedback
The purpose of evaluation at Emili School is to support the student’s development, to give feedback on his development, to encourage and guide him to study purposefully and to guide the development of the student’s self-esteem and development path choices. Secondly, assessment helps guide the teacher’s activities in shaping the learning environment and supporting the learner’s individual development.
At Emili School, evaluation is primarily based on the general part of the national curriculum and the school’s vision, which is a self-aware, open and caring student with good study skills.

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