Pets in Ülemiste City

We are a pet-friendly campus and welcome your well-behaved four-legged friends with open arms. Take your dog to lunch, play at the dog park, walk the meeting trail or entertain colleagues at the office.

Lunchtime with your pet

With well behaved pet you are always welcome to our restaurants: AFTRWRK Pub, Valukoja 10;  Dylan Ülemiste, Lõõtsa 6;  Gala Sushi, Lõõtsa 4;  Fredo, Valukoja 8;  Freya Foodbar, Sepise 7;  MINbowl, Lõõtsa 1a;  NuFace, Sepise 8;  Nuudel, Suur-Sõjamäe 10a;  Restoran Mona, Valukoja 10.

Playground for dogs

In the summer of 2023, we established a dog park in Ülemiste City, which is located next to Selver, at Sepapaja 2. The park is open 24/7 and it’s free to use for everyone. Before using the playground, please familiarize yourself with the rules of the playground, which are located at the gate. The gate opens by turning the knob.

Consider others

When walking around the campus with your dog, make sure that everything is always safe for both your dog and those who do not feel comfortable around dogs. In elevators and other narrow spaces, keep the dog close to you, if you let them on a longer leash, then please make sure first that it is ok for your elevator buddy.

Always clean up after your pet and don’t let him break anything or make too much noise.

If you work in a growth office or HUB, let the dog run freely only if it suits everyone. Noisy four-legged friends are not suitable for these places.




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