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Ülemiste City supports and values community and company networks, international community, and health promotion. Next to a quality physical working and living environment, the goal is also to keep and promote mental wellness in Ülemiste City.
Networks in Ülemiste City
Ülemiste City is a home for ten international or national networks.
Events in Ülemiste City
2023. aastal toimus Ülemiste Citys üle 90 ühisürituse, millel osales kokku enam kui 15 000 inimest.
Community Size
Ülemiste Citys töötab, õpib ja elab enam kui 17 000 talenti.
International Community
More than 70 nations are working, studying, and living in Ülemiste City. The percentage of foreign employees is 13, and their salary level is substantially higher than the Estonian average.
Health Promotion
Over 10 000 people visit Ülemiste Health Center every month. There are more than 250 experts working in Ülemiste Health Center.