Sel aastal jagavad Nordic Business Forumil ärimaailma tipptegijad põnevaid ideid ja lahendusi, kuidas ehitada, arendada ja juhtida tulevikukindlat organisatsiooni. Technopolis Ülemiste toob ülekande konverentsist meile linnakusse kätte – võta tiim kaasa ja tule kuulama!
Registreeri 👉 https://bit.ly/NBF-ÜC-22
Aeg: 20.09 kell 11.30-19.00 ja 21.09 kell 9.30-16.00
Koht: Helsinki ruum Zappi konverentsikeskuses
TUESDAY 20.9.2022
12:00 Kristel Kruustük & Miki Kuusi: Discussion about the future of work
12:55 Rutger Bregman: The ROI of an optimistic view on people
13:45 Networking break
14:40 Jitske Kramer: Building a future-proof corporate tribe
15:25 Erin Meyer: Lead, negotiate, and get things done across the world
16:15 Networking break
17:10 Amy Edmondson: Creating a fearless organization
18:05 Petter Stordalen: How I lead my brands through crisis
19:00 End of the event (first day)
WEDNESDAY 21.9.2022
09:45 Martin Lindström: Building a brand for 2030s
11:00 Networking break
12:30 Yuval Noah Harari: The Most important skills for the future of work
13:30 Zoe Chance: What behavioral economics can teach about influence
13:50 Networking break
14:40 Speaker contest winner – Duncan Wardle: Embedding a culture of innovation into everyone’s DNA
15:05 Joseph Stiglitz: What’s ahead and how to deal with it
16:00 End of the event
Rohkem infot Nordic Business Forumi esinejate kohta siit: https://www.nbforum.com/nbf2022/
This year, at the Nordic Business Forum, top players in the business world will share exciting ideas and solutions on how to build, develop and manage a future-proof organisation. Technopolis Ülemiste will deliver the broadcast from the conference to our campus. Bring your team along and join us!
Register 👉 https://bit.ly/NBF-ÜC-22
Time: 20.09 at 11:30-19.00 and 21.09 at 9.30-16.00
Location: Helsinki room in Zapp conference centre
TUESDAY 20.9.2022
12:00 Kristel Kruustük & Miki Kuusi: Discussion about the future of work
12:55 Rutger Bregman: The ROI of an optimistic view on people
13:45 Networking break
14:40 Jitske Kramer: Building a future-proof corporate tribe
15:25 Erin Meyer: Lead, negotiate, and get things done across the world
16:15 Networking break
17:10 Amy Edmondson: Creating a fearless organization
18:05 Petter Stordalen: How I lead my brands through crisis
19:00 End of the event (first day)
WEDNESDAY 21.9.2022
09:45 Martin Lindström: Building a brand for 2030s
11:00 Networking break
12:30 Yuval Noah Harari: The Most important skills for the future of work
13:30 Zoe Chance: What behavioral economics can teach about influence
13:50 Networking break
14:40 Speaker contest winner – Duncan Wardle: Embedding a culture of innovation into everyone’s DNA
15:05 Joseph Stiglitz: What’s ahead and how to deal with it
16:00 End of the event
Read more about the Nordic Business Forum speakers here: https://www.nbforum.com/nbf2022/