Alma Tomingas

Sepise 7
12 floors Gold LEED To be completed in 2022

Office in the jungle

Named after the first female professor and pharmacist, Alma Tomingas, the architecture of this green building is charmingly dynamic, spacious and full of exciting space designs glorifying engineering-technological achievements and creating an environment that is organically full of light.

“Everything that we are used to today in class A office buildings is specifically focused on so as to have space designs improving the creativity of employees.”

– Indrek Allmann, PLUSS Architects

The building

12 storeys with a view of the airport and Ülemiste lake.
A spacious design and a tropical botanical garden going through 4 stories.
The building has earned the LEED Gold certificate as a green building.
Stories holding 10 to 250 people.

Come by car, bus, bicycle or plane

A parking garage for 150 bicycles, lockers and washing facilities.
A parking garage for 900 cars.
A heated garage under the building for 115 cars.

Everything close at hand

A breakfast and lunch restaurants for 100 people.
7 restaurants, cafes and pubs within a 1-minute distance.
MyFitness sports club and Ülemiste Health Centre within a 1-minute distance.

Interior design

Kaks erinevat sisekujunduspaketti. Mõlemal juhul on olulisel kohal õhulisus, loodusest inspireeritud värvilahendused ning taaskasutus. Taustavalgusega siseseinad annavad igale büroole ka kõige pimedamal ajal täiendavat sügavust ja hubasust.

It combines a dignified and quality finishing with gentle and nature-inspired tonality and textures. The partition walls that gleam light give an airy spatial sense and a feeling of ease. Balance is created by conference rooms in contrasting colours.

Materials: oak, light gleaming wall of glass, carpeting in green tonality made of recycled materials, gentle wall paints and bright contrasts.

A fresh and airy room. A gentle, refreshing tonality and soft underfoot and bright contrasts keep the spatial sense in balance. The interior walls with background lighting add depth to the room during dark periods and create a sense of ease in the Northern light.

Materials: ceiling netting, recycled carpeting in bluish tonality, gentle wall paints and bright contrasts, light gleaming wall of glass in halls, concrete ceiling.

Floor Plans

The building has 11 storeys, the largest of which can hold up to 250 employees on one storey. The plans of the storeys are flexible and enable to create office spaces with different sizes suitable for 10 employees.

Tomingas 1 korrus
Äripind - välja üüritud Restoran - välja üüritud Äripind - välja üüritud

Äripind - välja üüritud

Restoran - välja üüritud

Äripind - välja üüritud

Tomingas 2 korrus
Büroo - broneeritud

Büroo - broneeritud

Tomingas 3 korrus


Paindliku planeeringuga büroo kuni 200-le inimesele.

Olen huvitatud

Tomingas 4 korrus
Büroo - broneeritud

Büroo - broneeritud

Tomingas 5 korrus
Büroo - välja üüritud

Büroo - välja üüritud

Tomingas 6 korrus
Büroo - välja üüritud

Büroo - välja üüritud

Tomingas 7 korrus
Büroo - välja üüritud

Büroo - välja üüritud

Tomingas 8 korrus
Büroo - välja üüritud

Büroo - välja üüritud

Tomingas 9 korrus
Büroo - välja üüritud

Büroo - välja üüritud

Tomingas 10 korrus
Büroo - välja üüritud

Büroo - välja üüritud

Tomingas 11 korrus
Büroo koos privaatse katuseterrassiga

Büroo koos privaatse katuseterrassiga

Ainulaadse planeeringu ja vaadetega büroo, mille juurde kuulub 250m2 suurune privaatne katuseterrass.

Olen huvitatud

Kaarti laaditakse …

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